Recent Water Damage Posts

Post-Restoration Home Maintenance to Prevent Future Damage

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on water remediation There are a few important steps you can take to avoid further water damage in the future!

After experiencing water damage and undergoing the restoration process, it is essential to prioritize post-restoration home maintenance to prevent future damage. Taking proactive measures can help safeguard your home against potential risks and ensure its long-term stability. In this blog, we will discuss important steps you can take to maintain your home after water damage restoration.

Inspecting and Repairing Water Sources

To prevent future water damage, it is crucial to inspect and repair any potential water sources within your home. Regularly check your plumbing system for leaks, drips, or signs of corrosion. Repair any damaged or deteriorating pipes, fixtures, or appliances promptly to avoid further water damage.

Maintaining Gutters and Downspouts

Properly functioning gutters and downspouts play a vital role in directing water away from your home's foundation. Regularly clean your gutters and remove any debris that may cause clogs. Ensure that downspouts are properly positioned and direct water at least five feet away from your home to prevent water pooling and potential foundation damage.

Sealing Cracks and Gaps

Inspect your home for any cracks or gaps, both indoors and outdoors, that may allow water intrusion. Seal any openings around windows, doors, and foundation walls to prevent water from seeping into your home. This will help maintain a watertight seal and prevent future water damage.

Maintaining Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential in preventing moisture buildup and reducing the risk of mold growth. Ensure that your home has adequate ventilation in high-moisture areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. Regularly clean and maintain exhaust fans and ensure that they are functioning properly.

Inspecting and Maintaining Your Roof

Your roof acts as the first line of defense against water damage. Regularly inspect your roof for any signs of damage, such as missing or damaged shingles, cracks, or leaks. Address any issues promptly by repairing or replacing damaged roofing materials to prevent water intrusion and potential structural damage.

Regularly Testing Sump Pump and Backup Systems

If your home has a sump pump or backup system, it is important to regularly test and maintain them. Test your sump pump by pouring water into the sump pit to ensure it activates and properly drains the water. Clean and inspect the pump regularly, and consider installing a battery backup system to ensure functionality during power outages.

Proactive Landscaping

The landscaping around your home can also play a role in preventing water damage. Ensure that the ground slopes away from your foundation to divert water away from your home. Regularly maintain your yard by trimming trees and shrubs near your home to prevent branches from causing damage during severe weather events.

Monitoring and Controlling Humidity

High humidity levels can contribute to moisture buildup and potential mold growth. Monitor indoor humidity levels and use dehumidifiers if necessary to maintain optimal humidity levels. Properly ventilate areas prone to high humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens, to prevent excessive moisture accumulation.

In conclusion, post-restoration home maintenance is essential to prevent future water damage and protect the integrity of your home. By regularly inspecting and repairing potential water sources, maintaining proper ventilation, and implementing proactive measures, you can safeguard your home against future risks. If you require assistance with water damage restoration, contact SERVPRO® for professional and reliable restoration services.

Restoring vs. Replacing After Water Damage - 8 Things to Consider

12/19/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be a challenging experience for homeowners in Santa Monica, but knowing when to salvage and when to replace is essential for a successful recovery. In this blog, we'll explore key considerations to help you make informed decisions after water damage impacts your property.

1. Safety First

Before assessing what can be salvaged or replaced, ensure your safety by turning off electrical power if necessary and wearing appropriate protective gear when dealing with contaminated water.

2. The Extent of Water Damage

Assess the extent of water damage carefully. If water has affected structural components, such as load-bearing walls or the foundation, it may be necessary to replace damaged portions to ensure the safety and stability of your home.

3. Time and Material Considerations

Time is a crucial factor in deciding whether to salvage or replace. If water-damaged materials or belongings are left untreated for an extended period, mold and structural damage can occur, making replacement the only option.

4. Category of Water Damage

Determine the category of water damage involved:

Category 1 (Clean Water): Salvaging may be possible if clean water from a broken supply line causes the damage.

Category 2 (Gray Water): Materials may need replacement if water damage involves contaminated water, such as from appliances.

Category 3 (Black Water): In cases of sewage backups or floodwater, replacing porous materials is often necessary due to health risks.

5. Salvageable Items

Consider the nature of the items affected. Items like glass, metal, and some plastics can often be salvaged through thorough cleaning and disinfection. Items like carpets, upholstered furniture, and drywall may need replacement, especially if exposed to contaminated water.

6. Insurance Coverage

Review your insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage for water damage. Some policies may cover the cost of replacing damaged materials and belongings.

7. Professional Assessment

Seek a professional assessment from SERVPRO® of Santa Monica/Venice Beach. Our experts can provide valuable insights into the salvageability of materials and belongings, helping you make informed decisions. Our team is also highly trained and experienced in content restoration, helping you restore your water-damaged belongings back to their original condition.

8. Cost Considerations

Balancing the cost of restoration versus replacement is crucial. Sometimes, it may be more cost-effective to replace certain items, especially if they are outdated or heavily damaged.

Deciding whether to salvage or replace after water damage in Santa Monica requires careful evaluation of safety, extent of damage, category of water, and cost considerations. While some items and materials can be salvaged with professional restoration services, others may need replacement to ensure your home's safety and integrity. SERVPRO® of Santa Monica/Venice Beach is here to support you throughout the process, providing expert guidance and restoration services tailored to your unique needs. Remember, a prompt and well-informed response is key to a successful recovery after water damage.

How do I flush a water heater?

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

Flushing your water heater is an easy and inexpensive way to improve its performance and extend its life. This can help prevent water damage to your home or business.

Flush the water heater.

Flushing the water heater is a simple process, but it's important to follow the right steps in order to get the most out of your efforts.

The first step is to turn off all faucets and drain any remaining water from pipes that can be drained. Do not drain hot water lines, as this could cause scalding injuries if you don't turn them off first or if they aren't accessible for flushing purposes. Next, open up access ports on top of your tank by removing caps or screws with an Allen wrench; these ports allow air into your tank so it can be properly cleaned out and flushed with fresh water during each cycle.

Once all caps are removed, use a garden hose connected directly into one of these ports--not through any faucet! This will ensure that no additional sediment gets sucked back into your home's pipes after flushing is complete because there won't be any pressure build-up inside those lines due to running water through them during flushing operations.

Turn off the water supply to the tank.

To flush a water heater, you'll need to turn off the water supply and power to it. To do this, turn off the water valve that connects your home's plumbing system with your hot water tank. This will stop any new cold water from entering into your tank and mixing with any hot water remaining inside of it.

Make sure there isn't any residual heat left in the tank by checking its temperature with an infrared thermometer. If there's still some residual warmth in there, wait until it cools down before proceeding with flushing out all remaining liquid through this process. The next step is critical, make sure that no one uses any hot showers or baths while you're flushing out all those contaminants.

Remove the Drain Valve.

Turn off the water supply to the tank. Remove the drain valve from the bottom of your water heater, then open it and let any remaining water in your tank drain into a bucket or other container.

How Often?

How often should I flush my water heater? If you have a gas water heater, flush it every 2-3 years. If possible, take advantage of flushing services offered by local plumbers or utility companies. If you have an electric water heater (which has no pilot light), flush it annually.

Flushing your water heater is a simple task that helps keep your hot water system in good working order. It's important to do this regularly so that you don't run into problems with your water heater or other parts of the system, such as pipes that may become clogged over time due to sediment buildup.

What does Water Extraction mean?

2/20/2023 (Permalink)

Water extraction is a procedure that helps remove water from your home or business. The water can be in the form of flood damage, water loss in your home or business or secondary water damage from a fire loss. It's important for you to understand what the process entails and why it's necessary.

What is water extraction and why is it necessary?

What is water extraction? Water extraction is the removal of water that has entered a building. This can be caused by flood waters, broken or frozen pipes, or other situations where excess moisture has made its way inside the walls of your home or business. If you have ever had to move furniture out of a room because there was too much water coming in through the ceiling, you’re familiar with what happens when too much moisture collects inside your property and needs to be removed.

Water extraction services are necessary to prevent further damage to your home or business and could save you thousands of dollars if they aren’t done correctly by professionals who know exactly how much moisture is being removed from each area of your property.

When is water extraction necessary?

Water extraction is necessary when water damage is present. It's also necessary after the source of the water damage has been removed, if you want to make sure that no new moisture can enter your home from an outside source. It is necessary when the water damage has been contained and dried out completely so that no new moisture remains in your home or business.

Water extraction should be done by a professional once all other steps have been taken to stop further damage and prevent secondary damages. As soon as possible after a flood or major leak occurs, contact professionals who specialize in water removal services like SERVPRO of Santa Monica/ Venice Beach so we can help get rid of any excess wetness before it becomes an issue for you later down the road!

Water Extraction Process

Water extraction is the process of removing water from a structure. The removal of water is important as it helps prevent other disruptions in your home or business. Water damage restoration professionals use tools such as dehumidifiers, air movers and other water extraction devices to remove the moisture in your home or business after an event like heavy rainstorm or flooding.

Water Mitigation is the process by which damage caused by water intrusions are assessed, evaluated and repaired by specialists called mitigation companies. These professionals are available 24/7/365 to respond and begin assessing the damage to help put together a plan to get your home or business back to looking good again.

When does my business or home need water extraction?

If you're looking for a way to know when your business or home needs water extraction, here are some signs:

  • Visual evidence of flooding
  • Your basement is flooded and filled with mud and debris
  • You've noticed that your floors feel damp or even wet in places (once the flood waters have receded)

f you're unsure whether or not your property has been affected by flooding, it's best to call an expert. A professional will come out to inspect the damage and give you an estimate on how much repair work needs to be done. This will help with filing insurance claims and getting reimbursement from companies like FEMA if applicable. If you don't have insurance, then this step becomes even more important. It is important from a financial standpoint to begin remediation to help prevent damages and extended amounts of closure from your home or business.

Who can extract the water from my home or business?

Any professional water extraction service can help you. These include:

  • Water damage restoration companies, who specialize in removing excess moisture from your home or business and drying out the area using industrial-strength fans and dehumidifiers.
  • Water damage repair companies, who are certified to repair damaged furnaces, drywall, insulation and other building materials.
  • Water damage mitigation companies, whose experts are trained in identifying any signs of mold growth that may have occurred due to an untended flood or leaky pipe before it spreads throughout your property.

Water extraction is an important part of keeping your business or home dry. It’s also a great way to protect your belongings and ensure your personal safety. If you have water damage at your place of business or residence, it’s important that you contact someone who can help immediately. 

What Is Category 2 Water Damage?

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage is a serious issue that can lead to mold, mildew and even structural damage. If you have water damage, it's important that you don't ignore it because if left untreated it could lead to more serious problems like structural damage. In this article we'll go over what category 2 water damage is and how to tell if you have it in your house so you can take preventative measures immediately!

What Is Category 2 Water Damage?

Category 2 water damage is also called gray water. It’s water that has been contaminated by sewage or septic waste. You may think that if you don’t see any visible signs of sewage, the damage isn’t as bad as it could be. But this isn't always the case. When it comes to category 2 water damage, you should always call a professional—even if you don't see any visible signs of sewage in your carpet or other surfaces right away.

Gray water can be caused by a burst pipe, a toilet overflow or even a backed up sewer line (the latter two are usually found in older homes). This type of category 2 damage often happens behind walls where there aren't many people to notice it until after the fact when the smoke detectors go off due to discoloration on the ceiling from mold growth which happened as soon as moisture got into those areas and started growing spores much faster than usual because there wasn't enough ventilation for them at all!

Category 2 water damage

Clean water is the kind you drink, cook with and bathe in. Gray water is dirty water that comes from things like sinks, tubs and washing machines. It can contain soap residue and other contaminants that damage your Santa Monica, CA home or belongings if not handled properly.

This type of damage usually occurs after a flood or leak in your home's plumbing system, but it can also be caused by flooding due to an overflowing toilet or sink.

How can I tell if the water is clean or gray?

You can tell if the water is clean or gray by how it looks.

If your water is clear, then it's clean and there's no need to worry about any of the dangers associated with gray waters. This type of water does not contain any dangerous additives like bleach or other chemicals that could be harmful for you and your family. If yours is clear, you are safe!

However, if yours has a milky white color to it, then that means that there may be some contaminants present in your home from either sewage backup or flooding caused by high winds during a storm surge (a storm surge occurs when hurricane winds blow against low-lying areas). When this happens, these contaminants will travel into your plumbing system causing damage along their way before finally filling up in places such as bathtubs and sinks with no place else to go except for outside through drains where homeowners might not notice until much later on down the line when they start seeing problems arise due to dirty water being flushed through pipes leading outwards towards other parts of town where people live happily unaware until they come back home one day only find out things weren't quite right when they see their house flooded...

How do I prevent gray water from happening?

To prevent gray water from happening in the first place, shut off the water supply to your home. Then, call a professional to come and assess your situation. After that, do not use any of the water until they have tested it and found that it is safe for use. This is because even though you might think that taking a shower will be okay (because what else are you going to do?), using water when there is sewage present can lead to contamination of other areas in your home.

Additionally, don't flush toilets or run any faucets until testing has been done. If you do use anything that contains electricity while there's still sewage around (like an appliance), make sure it's unplugged before doing so! Lastly—and this one should go without saying—don't clean up any messes with cleaning supplies unless instructed by a professional as well!

If you suspect you have sewage, or gray water in your house, call a professional immediately.

A professional, like those from SERVPRO of Santa Monica/Venice Beach, can help you determine what type of water damage you have and how best to proceed with the cleanup process. If sewage or gray water has been released into your home, a professional will be able to identify it and begin the clean-up process immediately. If left unattended for any length of time, this kind of damage can become extremely expensive and dangerous.

What Do I Do After a Pipe Break?

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

two green vans parked in front of a home When your property experiences a water damage disaster, you need to call our crew!

What Do To When a Pipe Bursts

Pipes break all the time, and they're not always a big deal. But when they are, it's important to know what to do quickly, and whom you should call. That's where we come in. SERVPRO of Santa Monica/Venice Beach is a local family-runs a business that has been helping residents just like you for many years. We know how much your home means to you and we want to help minimize your water damage as quickly as possible so we can get back to normal life again! Here are some common questions and tips related to what to do when a pipe bursts in your home or business. 

What is the most important thing to do after a pipe break?

If you have a pipe break, the most important thing to do is shut off the water supply. It may not be obvious where your main water line is located, but if you can't find it or need more information about shutting it off, call a professional.

Once you've done that, keep everyone out of the area and don't touch anything—it's always best to let professionals handle any potential hazards caused by flooding. In some cases (particularly when there are electrical wires involved), even using your phone could pose an additional risk because they emit radio waves that could cause sparking or short circuits in electrical equipment. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Shut Off the Water Supply

Shut off the main water valve so that you no longer have water being supplied to your home or business. If you have a well, shut it down. This will prevent contaminated water from entering your system and getting pumped into your home.

How do I find the right valve?

Once you’ve identified the pipe break, look for the water shutoff valve. It will be near the pipe break and marked with a tag or sign. The valve will likely be a lever, knob, or handle that is either on top of the pipe or underneath it.

How long do I have to wait for a SERVPRO technician to arrive?

The sooner you call, the faster a SERVPRO technician can arrive and begin cleaning up the damage. The longer you wait to report a leak, the more damage may happen.

SERVPRO has a 24/7 emergency response team ready to respond to any type of water damage. We will work around your schedule so that we don't cause any further delays in getting your home back to normal.

Can SERVPRO stop secondary damage from happening?

Yes! SERVPRO has the training and expertise to stop secondary damage from happening. Once they arrive on your Santa Monica, CA property, they will begin by assessing the situation and determining what caused the pipe break in order to determine how best to proceed. Once they have determined a plan of action, they will begin removing water from your premises so that you can safely clean up any messes or hazards that may exist in your home or business. After this phase is complete, our technicians will move onto restoring as much of your home or business as possible back to their original state before we arrived. This could mean folding up tarps, drying floors and walls using powerful dehumidifiers and fans, cleaning up debris from ceiling tiles or drywall (if needed), providing an odor removal treatment for stenchy areas like bathrooms where sewage backups often occur—the list goes on!

SERVPRO understands what it takes for you to get back into your house after a pipe break has occurred which is why we offer emergency service calls as well as quick repairs when possible so that we can help minimize the inconvenience caused by these unexpected events. 

If you are experiencing a pipe break in your home, it is important that you take action quickly. There are many steps to follow and SERVPRO of Santa Monica/Venice Beach can help you with all of them! We have extensive experience dealing with a variety of emergency situations, including pipe leaks and other water damage situations. Contact us today!